Last Friday, members of the Mediaura team attended the Facebook Boost Your Business Event to learn more about the best Facebook advertising techniques. This three-hour seminar was held at The Grand in New Albany, Indiana and the event served as a nice refresher, but also taught us a few new tricks and skills for creating a powerful Facebook advertising campaign, from building a plan to measuring results and optimization. As your digital partner, Mediaura can take your business’s Facebook presence to the next level and continue to keep your audience engaged through the power of social media management. Here are some of the crucial ways we can help your business thrive on Facebook.
Building a plan
Driving traffic to a website begins with some operational steps that will help improve the success of your ads on Facebook. It’s important to establish a strong presence first with a page chalk full of relative information about your business and by adding as many people you know as friends. This is the best way to immediately leverage your page. People are 35% more likely to click on an ad when one of their friends follows a page.
Next, what is your business trying to accomplish with their advertising? Do you want to drive people to your website or increase conversions? We know the right steps to take when helping you define your objectives and seeing them through. Once we’ve set up your page and decided on your advertising goals, it’s time to gather your creative assets. Great ads have compelling photos and text. At Mediaura we can help you capitalize on these features with the right images and the best content.
Creating your ad
How can we reach the people who matter to your business and drive them to your website? Mediaura builds ads that generate sales on Facebook for our clients because we know what their ads should say, how they should look and where they need to be. Where your ad appears on Facebook is often just as important as what it says. Next, we will define your appropriate target audience and choose a bid strategy that is structured around your campaign goals. Are you seeking conversions, clicks, views or actions – such as wanting consumers to install your mobile app?
Measuring your results and optimizing
Once your ads are up and running, our social media team will consistently measure your ad performance and adjust any underperforming campaigns to improve results. We can analyze your numbers and visit page insights regularly to discover which types of posts are getting the most reach and engagement, check the performance of your ads and print out detailed reports for your business to stay in the know. Our team is skilled at optimizing ads through the right combination of words, images, audiences, placements and bid types. Beyond analyzing your numbers and adjusting ads, we can improve your targeting abilities through Facebook conversion tracking. This helps us measure the granular data needed to optimize your ads for specific goals.
At Mediaura we can help you connect with your intended audience through Facebook advertising on any device they are using. To find out more about our social media management team or any of our services, please Contact Us or call Mediaura at (502) 554-9649 to get your digital presence in the right place.