Email Marketing

Yes, it still works.

Email Marketing was one of the earliest forms of advertising on the internet. It was the Wild West – anything goes! It was brand new and the rise of new technology quickly allowed new forms of advertising to boom overnight. Spam Emails were being sent by the billions to customers all over the world in hopes that people would open them, click on them, and buy your product or service. It was so huge that laws were even written to protect customers from junk Email, commonly referred to as spam.

In the world of Google and Social Media, does Email marketing still work? The short answer is: Yes! Email is still highly prominent and is a good way to get the attention of prospective customers and clients.

Email marketing is critical to the success of service-based organizations, especially B2B. If you are using marketing automation then Email is essentially a requirement. It can help nurture your cold leads until they heat up. This will allow your sales team the freedom to work warm and hot leads and let Email (with marketing automation) work cold leads.

Email marketing is also important for E-Commerce websites. Have you ever left items in your cart and got a reminder via Email with a discount code? If you aren’t collecting Emails on your website then you’re leaving money on the table and your ad campaign is not being optimized. Remarketing is great, but if you can get an Email address we can do even more! Give your customers a gentle reminder of your existence. It’s more expensive to gain new customers than keep current ones.

If you want help creating an Email campaign that looks professional and gives your business quality conversions, then give us a call, or contact us here.

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