Mediaura’s Summer Jams


Mediaura is over this Kentuckiana heat. We are only surviving with candy rations and our Spotify tunes. Our team is full of music enthusiasts and we all love to share their findings and guilty pleasure songs.

We thought this month would be a good time to let our team get creative and find their perfect go-to summer songs, maybe even their favorite songs from recent albums, or just their guilty-pleasure songs that remind them of summertime.

Introducing Mediaura to Spotify…

Spotify is kind of a big deal around here, however, Mediaura hasn’t ever made a team account for all of us to cultivate our own playlists to share with the team and the public.

So today, we’ve created a Summer Jams playlist that our team has cultivated together. Of course, we all have different genre-faves and go-to artists… so with this being our first one, we are pretty excited (and curious) how these songs will work well together.

If you are an adventurer of music — by all means, have a listen. Feel free to jump over to our culture page while you listen and try to guess which one of our Kentuckiana team members fit the song.

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