One Southern Indiana B2BX

Corey and Amelia from Mediaura

We were proud to participate in this year’s B2BX (Business to Business Expo) from One Southern Indiana. There were two things that were mentioned during the Keynote Luncheon with Futurist, Mr. David Houle, that we wanted to elaborate on in this blog.

One Southern Indiana

Mobile-Friendly Websites

During the presentation, he mentioned that all business owners need to make sure their website is optimized for mobile devices. We could not agree more. We have been explaining this to clients for several years now, and I think it’s very possible that because we work in the industry we take this for granted. Our assumption is that all businesses have this by now, but many do not.

Google switched to mobile-first indexing, which has a huge impact on your search results. If your website stopped ranking for certain keywords, which hurt your online business sales or leads, then your website may be getting penalized for a poor mobile performing website.

Here is a quick and free tool from Google to test your website. Keep in mind that this tool has some limitations, and very rarely do functioning websites achieve a 100/100 score. If you have under 50 on either mobile or desktop, you could probably use an update. Our complimentary audit, during which we will investigate more carefully to determine if your performance is accurate or needs improvement and explain why.

Another way to visually inspect your website is to load it on your mobile device. If it looks the same as your desktop version, and the links/buttons are squished and hard to read, then your website is not mobile optimized at all. If it is designed for mobile, but maybe it’s not user-friendly or loads slowly, it could also benefit from some improvements. That’s where we can help.

Video and Customer Testimonials 

Mr. Houle also recommended that you include video and if possible video testimonials on your website. It’s true, having somebody else say you are great is better than you saying you are great. With technology today, it’s possible for you to capture these videos using your smartphone, but you can also hire a number of local video production companies to come and take a professional video at your business. We can then include this video on your website and social media. If you aren’t sure where to get started with this, give us a call. We work with the best video companies in town and can match you up with a company that is a good fit for your brand. Thanks to streaming video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, it’s easier than ever to embed video on your website, and with faster internet speeds it’s more user-friendly for the customers to watch the video.


As a futurist, Mr. Houle’s job is to tell it like it is and prepare us for the changes coming. Our job at Mediaura is to continue to find ways to promote your business and generate sales using technology. If you would like to learn more about how to grow your business using online marketing, please give us a call or send us an email to set up an appointment.

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