I’ve Got Quality Leads. Why Aren’t They Converting?


Picture this: You launch a digital marketing campaign and get precisely what you want. Your inbox is flooded with quality leads that could make a massive difference for your organization. 

But when you try to convert them, you run into roadblocks. How do you take digital leads and turn them into real people flowing through your doors? 

It turns out that converting digital leads completely differs from handling leads from a field agent or other referral source. 

This may be a frustrating scenario, but there’s no need for finger-pointing between sales and marketing. There is a way to convert digital leads. 

Mediaura has been working on — and solving — this exact problem for 20 years. We work in the digital marketing field, specializing in finding patients for healthcare brands. In our latest video, our CEO, Andrew Aebersold, breaks down why digital leads are tricky to convert — and the secret behind making them work.

Click the image below to watch.


Contact us here for help gaining and converting digital leads for your healthcare business.

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