Mediaura has long been a proponent regarding the value that membership in the American Advertising Federation of Louisville brings to any business, especially a small one. The connection and networking opportunities are endless, in addition to the informative luncheons and speakers on best-practices that they bring to our community. As an organization, there is truly something for everyone to find.
As a company we have sponsored previous events, helping to bring keynote speaker Paul Dery of R/GA to Louisville and our team has been working diligently at placing the final touches on the AdFed Mobile App (launching soon).
I have been a member of the Executive Board, Vice President of Communications, for the past year and I am so proud to have the opportunity to have helped put together the latest version of the print Communique’ with my amazing team of committed volunteers.
This issue of the Communique’ focuses on the future of advertising; highlighting best practices, sharing tips for what works & what doesn’t, and looking forward to the changing climate of our industry as a whole. Featuring contributions from the leading professionals in our area, this issue of the Communique’ has something for everyone; whether you’re a sales professional, a charity, government official, or an interactive company, etc. Just like the AdFed itself, we’ve got you covered.
This issue of the Communique’ has been a labor of love, and being able to see it materialize from a concept into a tangible magazine has been a wonderful adventure that I am so honored to have helped lead.
Make sure to check out the article entitled “Interactive Technology and Change” written by Mediaura’s CEO Andrew Aebersold. As a company, thinking ahead to the future of advertising is what helps set us apart from other organizations; so Andrew has a few tips to share on what companies should keep an eye on.
Special thanks to Mary and Julie at the AdFed for helping make this become a reality, Doug Prater for giving me the opportunity to participate on the Executive Board this year, Mark Cable for his wonderful artwork and helping to realize the vision, and to all of whom helped to contribute to this project. It couldn’t have been done without you.
Make sure to pick up your copy today or contact the American Advertising Federation of Louisville’s office to find out how you can get your own. They make an eye-catching, and valuable read for any business lobby or waiting area as well!