Mediaura Launches the Redesign of Universal Woods

Universal Woods Relaunch

Universal Woods is the world’s leading manufacturer of hard-surface coated substrates for sublimation and durable mezzanine flooring for warehouses and storage facilities.

Universal Woods also provides engineering opportunities and prides themselves in their diversified, talented team and environmental commitments.

As a global company, they make thousands of their products right here in Louisville, Kentucky, and export to over 80 countries worldwide.

Universal Woods is also the umbrella company for ChromaLuxe. After we created a new website for ChromaLuxe, Universal Woods came to us about building them a new website as well. At the time, Universal Woods had an outdated site that was no longer serving them in the fullest capacity. So, we worked with them to achieve a completely custom design and buildout solution. Like ChromaLuxe, this was a full-tilt process-based project for us. Our commitment to Universal Woods meant we invested time meeting with them to determine their preferences for:

  • Sitemap
  • Architecture (wireframing)
  • Custom design
  • Buildout parameters

Universal Woods - Homepage Mockups
Universal Woods - Colors

From these conversations, the site we created now serves them with much greater efficiency, allowing visitors to learn more about Universal Woods with a quick introduction to the other brands that comprise Universal Woods in their totality: ChromaLuxe, Unisub, and ResinDek.

The new Universal Woods website’s features include:

  • Fully-responsive web experience that stands up alongside modern trends
  • Streamlined, yet still a content-rich site with sections dedicated to career opportunities, easy-to-locate contact information based on locale, multi-language support, and easy gateway access to the ChromaLuxe, Unisub, and ResinDek sites
  • Custom graphics
  • Custom events and trade shows feature that is easy to update
  • Back-end functionality translates into Dutch for the European team
  • Onsite job listings
  • Custom icons designed in-house
  • Priority on mobile capabilities and responsiveness
  • Client-friendly for easy content updates
  • Dedicated focus on the incredible Universal Woods culture

As a company with a vastly diverse team, Universal Woods does a fantastic job of creating a family-based, team-oriented environment that emphasizes the wellbeing and personal/professional development of everyone who encompasses that environment. As such, we made it our aim to reflect that focus in the website that serves as a representation of that culture: from copy to photography and video, right down to a variety of interesting “Did you know?” infographics.

Universal Woods - Mobile Mockups

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