What is HookahHQ?
Mediaura recently developed a mobile application for the HookahHQ team. It is a mobile application that delivers usable and practical information on all things hookah!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with hookah, it was developed in the 1500s in India where the physician Hakim Abu’l-Fath Gilani, at the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar. It was there that it became a social and cultural event that was tremendously popular amongst the wealthy.
In the Middle East and Arab world, people smoke it as part of their culture and traditions. Social smoking is done with a single or double hose hookah, and sometimes even triple or quadruple hose hookahs in the forms of parties or small get-togethers are used. When the smoker is finished, either the hose is placed back on the table signifying that it is available, or it is handed from one user to the next, folded back on itself so that the mouthpiece is not pointing at the recipient.
Hookah HQ aims to give you complete, simple and non-biased information on all things hookah. After thousands of hookah bowls and many years of study, from the local hookah shops to the grey beards in Jerusalem, finally, hookah is being treated with the respect cigars and wine have enjoyed. Make starting out with hookah easier – Learn what to look for in a good hookah bar, buying tips and goals, setting up a pipe, cleaning, and everything else a hookah beginner need to know to have the best experience.
For the smoking pros too- more than just countless Shisha and Coal reviews, learn the pros and cons of each brand and specific directions on getting the perfect experience for each one in any situation.
Why Make An App?
Over 200 new hookah cafés open for business every year, most of them targeted at young adults and located near college campuses or cities with large Middle-Eastern communities. According to a 2011 study, 40.3 percent of college and university students surveyed had tried using a hookah. This audience is extremely tech-centric and savvy.
Features on the App
The app is designed to help new users become familiar with the components used in hookah and for the more advanced user, there is background information such as the science of hookah and the different types of brands.
- Getting Started Using Your Hookah
- Components of a Hookah
- Advanced Users (science, pipe brands, vase supplements)
- Reviews (tobacco brands)
- Troubleshoot (for problems with your Hookah pipe)
The HookahHQ team has been super enthusiastic about the reviews the app has received from their audience and the mobile app community.
The 5-star reviewed app has downloaders leaving comments such as: “With hookah being as popular as it is, I can’t believe it took so long to find an app like this. It has great tips for newbies and veteran hookah users alike. Great advanced tips and great reviews on a number of hookah essentials.”